Wednesday 19 May 2010

Questions to Consider for Portfolio Question:

1. What are the five biggest mistakes you made in your production?
not enough footage, so used extra that had been filmed while camera was left on.
unsteady shots
worried about the 'look', lack of confidence
lack of eye contact with subjects
too much footage (planning)
low quality lighting
scheduling, logistics of organising talent
didn't target audience specifically enough
didn't push my limits enough
AS blog not interactive enough
didn't refer back to blog & theory enough

2. What did you do to overcome them ( this is being creative!)
used flashbacks
started again, not afraid to cut out, hard to be selective but important
watched other Alevel submissions & felt better!
Looked back at research
listened to talent & focus groups ideas, went with the flow rather than rigidly sticking to the plan

3. Think of 5 pieces of advice you would give to someone embarking on their Portfolios.
dont always play safe, be creative
refer to blog & use it
be creative but remember tech specs, steady shots, lighting etc
always consider your audience needs and expectations
get feedback from focus group as you are going along
be selective and dont be afraid to cut if its not right for your product
be confident and dont doubt yourself
film more footage than you think you'll need
be selective about location
plan, plan, plan and then don't be afraid to bin the plan.

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