Monday 28 September 2009

Planning your video

You need to consider your 'concept', think about what elements you are going to interpret and expand.
Remember in the Anton Corbijn documentary they talked about the lyrics, 'all I ever needed' perhaps relating to a king having all he ever wanted and that is how the lead singer ended up walking about dressed as a king.

To get you started with this I suggest you copy out the lyric by hand, this way you will think about them more, and record a pod cast commentary over the top of them, discussing which elements you will use.

Think of yourself as an artist, you are the video director, its your interpretation of the themes that is going to create the effect.

You should also prepare your mood board this week. These can be as multi modal as you can make them. Have a look at these Glogs and consider whether you could improve on this.

Watch this video of an interview with a music video director

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