Wednesday 9 September 2009


1. History & context of music video.
2. Purpose of music videos in industry.
3. Generic Research- written textual analysis of at least 3 music videos that you find inspiring.
4. Presentation of your top 5 which will be filmed to be put on your blog!!
5. Audience research- feedback from your focus group from your presentation, what are their expectations of a music video- we will have to recruit Year 12 to assist us in this!
6. The usual graphs & pie charts etc.
7. Planning- upload original videos from your chosen artist- what elements will you retain/challenge?
8. Storyboards- animatic.
8. Possible location photos
9. Flatplans for digipack.
10. Photosessions for digipack.
11. Film performances and outtakes for inclusion on DVD.
12. Rough cuts- uploaded to blog & used in DVD extras.
13. Editing.
14. Final cut.
15. Audience feedback.
16. Evaluation.

Throughout the whole process keep your blog as an online diary and film as much of the process as possible for inclusion on your blog & within your DVD.

Lots to do but you do have until Christmas!

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